Identify & Quantify
Macro-Energy-ESG Risk

Team - MEF Management Team

Manchester Economic Forecasting

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Modelling Team

Structural Modelling - ?GEM
The MEF model is led by Martin Turner who has 30 years experience working as an Applied Economist & macro modeller across HM Treasury, EY ITEM Club, academia and consultancy.
Martin is also a visiting academic at Alliance Manchester Business School where he lectures in Applied Global Macroeconomics/Trade, Globalisation and Portfolio Management. He also lectures - using the riskNZ App on the MBA program at Salford Business School
Martin works with a number of Associates and Academics on specific modelling projects and also with other MEF team members. He has been heavily involved in MEF online App development liaising with Software Engineers to operationalise MEF's model suite for mobile/web Applications.
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Finance/Portfolio Team

Macro-Financial Linkages
Stuart Erskine is a behavioural Economist who leads the Finance/Portfolio team that provides bespoke services to investment professionals
Stuart holds an MA in Economics and has 30 years experience working in the Financial Services sector in both client facing and technical functions; with a particular expertise in assessing consumer attitude to investment risk. Stuart was an examiner and question setter for a number of professional qualifications in the financial services sector. He has authored a number of papers in the area of financial risk and use of technology in investment sector.
Stuart works with fund managers and financial advisors; developing investment propositions, fund launches, assessing risk rating of funds and developing suitable financial advice processes. Stuart is also Director of Research and Strategy for the Suitable Advice Institute.
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Finance/Portfolio Team

Senior consultant
Paul Resnik is a serial entrepreneur with a distinguished career in Financial Services; he is currently Chief Ethics Officer of the Suitable Advice Institute.
Paul was Co-founder & Director of FinaMetrica Pty Limited; he is an innovator in financial services which includes, founding investment platforms and fund supermarkets, cash-flow modelling technology, and global risk profiling technology: FinaMetrica.
For over 30 years Paul has been at the forefront of improving the advice process for both clients and advisers. Paul’s contribution to developing suitable advice - particularly in assessing risk - is probably unparalleled.
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Software Engineers

Custom Mobile/Web Tools
MEF works with various Associate coders to build out its web Apps such as riskNZ. We have an ongoing IT research relationship with Goodenough College, London, UK - part of the University of London family. We also work with Manchester University Computer Science Dept. with whom MEF collaborate on Research Council/Innovate UK joint Funding bids. More recently, MEF have been working with the Salford University AI Foundry to deploy best-practise AI and Data Science comcepts in it's tools/Apps.
MEF have participated in UKRI/Innovate UK research bids, most recently John Keane (Prof. of Data Engineering-Computing Science) and Xiaojun Zeng (Prof. of Machine Learning and Robotics-Computing Science)
MEF have been working with Goodenough who have provided hosting and hardware for some of the academic model prototypes, as well as advice on how best to optimise web services using queuing and parallelisation protocols. Goodenough's core interest is the academic use of the MEF App's/Tools for postgraduate students in a teaching context, and to suggest ways in which the software could scale for academic use.
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Education Team

Real World Tools/Apps
The Education Team provides classroom Apps, Custom Course Units/Modules and consultancy on integration of the latter into new or existing teaching material.
For the following subject streams, MEF can integrate its Apps, Models & Tools into existing course material to bring content alive and fill typical curicula gaps of data, policy and applied analysis. MEF has been working with Alliance Manchester Business Schools (AMBS) Executive Education over the last 25 years, in designing & delivering custom units, some based around the riskNZ App.
Just as MEF can build/estimate bespoke, customer models in their specific domain areas, it can do the same for academic partners looking to add global consistency to their more focused "micro" models that need to be simulated within a global context. A clear seperation of models allows a co-operative research relationship without compromising IP issues.